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Frequently asked questions
What are some cool ways to earn more Bitchcoins?
- Create account - 1000 Bitchcoins
- Leave us a review - 1000 Bitchcoins
- Follow us on instagram - 500 Bitchcoins
- Tell us Your Birthday - 500 Bitchcoins
- Make a purchase - 1 Blisscoin per Rs 1 spent
- You get an additional 500 Bitchcoins on a purchase only if you spend above ₹5000 in a single cart
- You can earn Bitchcoins on a maximum of 3 reviews. While submitting the review form, please make sure you use the same email address you have used to sign up for the rewards program. It takes 24 hours for the review to be verified and processed
When will my Bitchcoins get credited post purchase?
Bitchcoins earned on each purchase will be credited to your account once the order is shipped.
Where do I find the number of Bitchcoins left?
- You can login to your account to view
- You can view & redeem your Bitchcoins at checkout on the payments page
How do I redeem my Bitchcoins?
Click on "Redeem Bitchcoins" under payment methods on checkout page. Once clicked, enter your OTP so we can understand how many Bitchcoins are available in your account. The number of Bitchcoins you can redeem depends on the amount that you are shopping for.
Can I redeem all my Bitchcoins at one go?
1) ₹50 off by using 500 Bitchcoins, min order value ₹599.
2) ₹200 off by using 2000 Bitchcoins, min order value ₹1490.
3) ₹350 off by using 3500 Bitchcoins, min order value ₹2490.
4) ₹500 off by using 5000 Bitchcoins, min order value ₹3990.
5) ₹750 off by using 7500 Bitchcoins, min order value ₹5990.
6) ₹1000 off by using 10000 Bitchcoins, min order value ₹7990.
You get an additional 500 Bitchcoins on a purchase only if you spend above ₹5000 in a single cart.
You can only redeem maximum of 10,000 Bitchcoins in a single transaction
I have used Bitchcoins on an item I returned. How do I get my Bitchcoins back?
If you spent your Bitchcoins on an order you returned, but want to use the same coins again on a future purchase, reach out to our Customer Bliss team on Whatsapp and Natasha will credit the Bitchcoins back to your account.
I have placed an order, but cancelled it - will you revert my coins ?
The coins that you earned while purchasing, will be deducted from your account, if you return the product.
When will my Bitchcoins expire?
The expiry of coins is 1 year.
I have a different question. Can you help?
If you would like to know more or have any questions regarding our rewards program, please reach out to our Customer Bliss team on WhatsApp and Natasha will be happy to help.